
List of NGOs in Nigeria

Non-governmental organizations (NGOs) are organizations that exist solely to benefit the less fortunate and socially disadvantaged residents of a country.It is a non-profit organization that operates on a local, national, and international scale. It is motivated by people who...

Top 10 Biggest Record Labels in Nigeria

Everybody in the Nigerian music industry knows about the various businesses that pay them, and most musicians work with record labels, distributors, or licensing firms with whom they have already signed specific contracts to distribute their music. And in...

Airtel Data Plans, Prices & Subscription Codes

In Nigeria, Airtel has the second-largest user base among mobile network providers. There are numerous explanations for why this business has such a big consumer base. Their reasonable data plans are one of them.Airtel Nigeria has updated its data...

Top 15 Textiles Companies in Nigeria

We all wear different forms of fabric each day. It is necessary because it is part of what makes us human. During special occasions like weddings, birthdays, burials, anniversary and the likes, people showcase different fabrics made from different...

Top 10 Fintech Startups in Nigeria

Innovative technology is being employed in every aspect of our life including the financial sector. Gone are the days when online transactions were never possible. With the help of fintech companies, that problem has become a thing of the...

Glo Data Plans, Prices & Subscription Codes

Looking for a comprehensive article on Glo data plans, their prices and subscription codes? If yes, then look no further as this article will not only detail that but also break it down so that it will even the...

Top 10 Real Estate Agents in Nigeria 

At some point in our lives, we need a form of structure for different purposes. It could be a home to live in, a shop for business or even hostel for accommodation for a little duration. While searching for...

Top 20 Construction Companies in Nigeria

To live a long and peaceful life, there are three basic necessities needed, they are food clothing and shelter. Food is needed to keep us alive and healthy. It can be gotten anywhere from the soil; clothing is needed...

How to Become a Freelance Model in Nigeria

If you've ever considered making a living off your looks, you should think about becoming a model. You can either work for an agency or on your own as a freelance model. The second option of working as a...

Top 10 Tech Startups in Nigeria

Nigerian fintech businesses are currently leading Africa's fintech movement. It comes as no surprise that two of Africa's five fintech startups are situated in Nigeria. The majority of these finance startups have reached their peak.Tech startups in Nigeria are...


10 Tribes With Expensive Bride Prices in Nigeria  

It is a common knowledge that Nigerians spend massively on weddings. It means a lot when an individual gets...
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