
320 Igbo Names for Girls and Their Meanings

Are you trying to decide on a name for your little Igbo princess? We're pleased to assist you!We have names for everyone, whether you are an old soul who would prefer traditional Igbo names like Obiageli or you are...

350 Igbo Names for Boys and Their Meanings

People who speak Igbo, also known as Ibo, are primarily from southern Nigeria and speak a branch of the Niger-Congo language family called Benue-Congo. The five main cultural regions of the Igbo are the northern, southern, western, eastern (or...

U.S. Green Card vs. U.S. Citizenship

Green card vs. citizenship - both have features in common and others that set them apart. A green card holder explicitly has the full legal right to reside and work in the United States. It is a procedure for...

Top 10 Safest States in Nigeria

Not every state in Nigeria is safe as a result of growing societal vices that fast seem to be threatening the lives and properties of people across Nigeria. And with the growing trend of insecurity in almost every part...

10 Most Popular Festivals in Nigeria

Festival celebrations are an important aspect of the cultural and traditional heritage of Nigerians and Africans generally, and despite the advent of education and how fast it is changing old practices, more educated people are waking up to the...

10 Most Powerful Monarchs in Nigeria

Monarchy, a popular system of government practiced in almost all parts of the world and common in places like Saudi Arabia and United Kingdom, involves undivided sovereignty of a single person till death. The leader called king or Queen...

10 Tribes With Expensive Bride Prices in Nigeria  

It is a common knowledge that Nigerians spend massively on weddings. It means a lot when an individual gets married. A popular saying even states that of the three ceremonies performed because of a person; naming, wedding and burial,...

Top 10 Honeymoon Destinations in Nigeria 

When planning on having a honeymoon, most Nigerians think it is never possible to have one in the country because the only romantic places that can exist are located in abroad and always omit Nigeria in the list of...

10 Tribes With Cheapest Bride Prices in Nigeria

Marriage is regarded as a gathering of families mainly to join two people of opposite sex together in matrimony. Before every marriage can occur, families of the bride and groom come together to know themselves and learn about the...

UNESCO Heritage Sites in Nigeria

Have you ever wondered whether or not Nigeria has heritage sites in the UNESCO list? UNESCO heritage sites in Nigeria are just two with many other nominated sites being on the tentative list.Conservation of heritage buildings or sites is very important because it provides a sense of...


10 Tribes With Expensive Bride Prices in Nigeria  

It is a common knowledge that Nigerians spend massively on weddings. It means a lot when an individual gets...
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